Suspended driver's license

Lost driver's license, what happens now?

If your driver's license has been revoked and the suspension period is longer than one year, you need to apply for a new driving license permit from the Swedish Transport Agency and attach a medical certificate.

We can assist you with the required medical certificates, for instance, after

  • Revoked driver's license after road sobriety offence / drunk driving.
  • Drug crime, previous abuse, LOB, addiction diagnosis or doctor's report.

We first meet with you for an initial consultation. Together, we will go through, step by step, what will happen. It's important that you bring your directive from the Swedish Transport Agency to the first meeting. If you are taking medications that could affect your tests, you will need to bring your list of medications or show your prescriptions.

Depending on what is stated in your directive, we will then call you in for testing.

The summonses will be issued at short notice, as required by the Swedish Transport Agency.


  • Intyg alkolås till Transportstyrelsen inkl. drogtester och blodprover (CDT och G-GT): 2 970:-
  • Drogtest komplett med 5 urinanalyser (amf, THC, opiat, benso, kokain): 1 100:-
  • Intyg till Transportstyrelsen: 600:- (Inkluderar läkarbesök.)
  • Drogtest komplett enl. ovan inkl. blodprover (CDT och G-GT) och intyg: 2 365:-
  • Blood tests for alcohol markers (CDT, G-GT): SEK 880:-

You are welcome to contact us for more information at
 or call us directly at 0700-90 45 05.

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